(a)   Dwellings for the purpose of this article shall be defined as an enclosure, building, or portion thereof, or a mobile home which is used primarily as living quarters. There shall be one pick up service for each such dwelling.

(b)   Rubbish or trash for the purpose of this article shall be defined as the normal garbage, paper, tin cans, bottles, glass, crockery, or boxes that is ordinarily found in household use.

(Ord. 1075; Code 2021)

(a)   There is hereby established a residential trash pick-up service in the City of Riley, Kansas.

(b)   All occupants of any dwelling in the City of Riley shall be required to use the trash pick-up service so established by the Governing Body of the City of Riley.

(c)   The residential trash service so established will pick up the garbage or refuse once a week from each dwelling.

(d)   The residential trash pick-up service so established shall not pick up leaves, grass, limbs, brush, discarded furniture, waste from building operations, waste from industrial processes, earth, or any other items that are not normally included in the normal household trash or rubbish.

(e)   Residential containers to be used for said trash service are provided by hauler. 

(f)   The users of said trash pick-up service shall be required to place such containers next to the curbing of the street used for the purpose of the trash pick-up service, but not in said street itself, and to be placed there in time for the pick-up service to pick up said trash on the day designated as the pick-up day.

(Ord. 1075; Code 2021)

The monthly residential trash collection shall be set at the rate charged by contract pursuant to agreements entered between the City of Riley and its trash service provider, as may be changed from time to time; in addition, such rate shall also include a fifteen percent (15%) administrative fee added to the base fee for trash service. The charges for the trash pick-up service may be included and added to the monthly water bill from the City of Riley and shall be governed by the same provisions for the payment thereof.

(Ord. 1075; Ord. 1411; Code 2021; Ord. 1804)

Curbside recycling is available as an option at a rate of $6.00 per month with twice a month pickup on a designated day.

(Code 2021)