(a)   There is hereby established a uniform numbering system for numbering the property frontage on all streets, avenues and public and private ways in the City. The numbering system will assist in uniformly assigning, maintaining and identifying addresses which will aide in promoting continuity as well as citizen safety.

(b)   All businesses, public buildings, commercial, industrial and office buildings, houses and residences fronting on the streets, avenues or alleys of the City shall be numbered in conformity with the provisions of this article.

(Ord. 1424; Code 2021)

(a)   Kansas A venue shall constitute the base line for numbering buildings along all streets running northerly and southerly. Broadway Street shall constitute the base line for numbering buildings along all streets running easterly and westerly.

(b)   Each building north or south of Kansas A venue and facing a street running in a northerly or southerly direction shall carry a number and address indicating its location north or south of such base street.

(c)   Each building east or west of Broadway Street and facing a street running in an easterly or westerly direction shall carry a number and address indicating its location east or west of such base street.

(Ord. 1424; Code 2021)

(a)   Block Numbers. The numbering of buildings on each street shall be based on its block number. The block numbering for each street shall have begun at the baseline. The block numbers shall get larger the farther away from the base street. The numbers 100, 200, 300 and continuing shall be reserved for the intersection of said street(s).

(b)   Building Numbers. All buildings on the north or east side of streets shall be even numbered. All buildings on the south or west side of streets shall be odd numbered.

(Ord. 1424; Code 2021)

All buildings facing streets not extending through to the baseline shall be assigned the same relative block numbers derived from the block grid system as if the street had extended to the baseline.

(Ord. 1424; Code 2021)

(a)   Same direction. Streets, avenues and other public and private ways running in the same direction and having an angular deviation of not more than 90 degrees for a distance not exceeding 300 feet, shall carry the same name unless special circumstances make such a plan impracticable or not feasible.

(b)   Change in direction. When a street changes direction by more than 90 degrees for a length of 300 feet or more between the beginning and ending of the street, the street name should change at the curve of said street to reflect the orientation with a different baseline.

(c)   Name duplication. Street names shall not be duplicated within the City. Naming or renaming streets. The City Council, by resolution, may change, rename or name an existing or newly established street within the City limits or that continues a city street outside of the city limits.

(Ord. 1424; Code 2021)

(a)   The Planning and Zoning Board shall assign to each house or other residential, commercial, industrial or public building on or gaining access to any street, avenue or public or private way, its respective number under the uniform system provided for in this article. Addresses should not be assigned to structures that are simply accessory to another building or insubstantial in nature i.e. a detached garage to a single-family residence.

(b)   The Planning and Zoning Board may seek input from the City Council, city public works and/or local emergency service entities when determining an address assignment or change to include new construction and reconstruction.

(c)   Addresses shall be reviewed on all building permit applications within the City limits. Discrepancies to the uniform numbering system shall be corrected prior to approval of said permit.

(d)   Just as the block numbers increase as the distance from the baseline increases, so shall the building numbers. Comer lots shall reserve both address numbers correlating to the address range of each street in order to accommodate which direction the building will face. Numbering of adjoining properties must consider the comer lot numbering.

(e)   The building number and street name address shall be reflective of the street to which the building fronts. If an existing property addressed fronting one street is reconstructed to front another street, it shall be readdressed in conformity with the universal numbering and addressing contained within this article.

(f)   Where a single building has multiple exterior entrances for separate tenant spaces or separate residential units, a separate address number shall be assigned to each such exterior door. Use of a letter after the number may be necessary in an established block with pre-existing addresses assigned to adjoining properties. Where a single building has multiple doors leading to a shared hallway or lobby, only one address shall be assigned. Each interior door may be assigned a suite or apartment number. A directory shall be posted inside the main entrance and on each floor of a multi-story building.

(g)   Individual apartment buildings and group projects shall have one address number per building. Individual dwellings within the apartment buildings shall be assigned an identifying floor numeral accompanied by an apartment letter. A directory shall be posted inside the main entrance and on each floor of a multi-story building. For example, an apartment building with four apartments each on two floors would identify the apartments as 1 A, 1 B, 1 C and 1 D for the apartments on the first floor and 2A, 2B, 2C and 2D for the apartments on the second floor. In business and industrial districts, each building facing the roadway shall have its own designated address number.

(h)   Duplex buildings shall have separate house numbers assigned to each entrance.

(Ord. 1424; Code 2021)

(a)   The address numbers assigned to each primary structure shall be displayed on the side of the building fronting the street for which the address was derived. These numbers shall be of such size and color to be clearly legible from the street.

(b)   If the primary structure cannot be seen from the roadway because of its distance from the street or because the view is obstructed by trees, shrubs or another structure, the building number shall also be displayed on a sign or attached to a tree, fence or post within ten (10) feet of a driveway and not more than 20 feet from the street. These numbers shall be of such size and color to be clearly legible from the street.

(c)   The owner, occupant or agent of each primary structure shall place or cause to be placed upon such structure, the number (in numerals) assigned under the address system as provided in this article.

(d)   Such number shall be placed on new and existing primary structures within 30 days from the date of letter notification by the City or within ten (10) days after completion or occupation thereof. The applicant is encouraged to post a temporary sign displaying the assigned address number at the construction site until such time as the permanent number can be displayed.

(Ord. 1424; Code 2021)

The violation of any provision of this article shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $50.00. Each day that a violation occurs shall be deemed a separate offense, but in no case shall the fine exceed $500. Procedures to enforce this system shall not begin sooner than 30 days after written notice is given. Assessed fines that are not paid otherwise after 30 days shall be assessed against each lot or piece of ground chargeable therewith, as a service assessment as provided by law.

(Ord. 1424; Code 2021)